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Solar eclipse of 2027 in Egypt: a unique occasion to come to the country

It can be said that the 2027 solar eclipse in Egypt is an unbeatable occasion to come to this country. Let’s remember that total solar eclipses are once-in-a-lifetime experiences: many people do not even get to see them in person, as it takes between 300 and 400 years for this phenomenon to be repeated at the same point on Earth. And if we add to that the mysticism of Ancient Egypt, so attentive to the sky and the stars, the result is an unforgettable trip… that we can organize for you. Take note of everything you need to know.

Egypt, in the band of totality: the sites

The 2027 solar eclipse in Egypt will be total, unlike other more frequent solar eclipses: partial or annular eclipses, in which the Moon does not completely cover the Sun and, thus, the environment does not darken as much as in total eclipses.

And fortunately for Egypt and its visitors, a good part of the country will be part of the ‘band of totality’: this term refers to the strip of land through which the shadow created by the Moon will pass and, therefore, it will appear to be completely dark.

This band of totality crosses the country diagonally from northwest to southeast, passing through the Western Desert, including the Siwa oasis, to cross the middle and upper reaches of the Nile River, at the level of cities such as Menia, Assiut, Quena or Luxor, among others.

What is the exact date of this total eclipse?

One of the positive aspects of solar eclipses is that, with today’s means, it is possible to know exactly when the phenomenon will occur. And the date and time indicated are August 2, 2027, starting at 12:42 pm. The exact time and duration of the phenomenon depends on the specific place in question, since in Siwa it will occur at that time, but in Luxor it will occur at 13:01. In all cases, this phenomenon will last about 6 minutes.

Why come to Egypt

Egypt is not the only country ‘graced’ with this total eclipse of 2027, as this band of totality also crosses the rest of the countries of North Africa(Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya) and will continue through other countries of the Arabian Peninsula(Yemen, Saudi Arabia) and even the Horn of Africa(Somalia).

However, coming to Egypt to witness it in person has a special interest: the inhabitants of this territory, in Ancient Egyptian times, were very attentive to the sky, and this was reflected in many places. For example, the supposed alignment of the Pyramids with Orion’s Belt. Or the famous zodiac of Dendera… which is precisely one of the places through which the band of totality will pass.

In addition, it so happens that this band of totality, upon reaching the Nile Valley, will take a route that will practically coincide with that of the river itself, going up its waters. Therefore, taking a cruise on the Nile just on those dates and at that time could mean ‘curling the curl’: the shadow cast by the Moon will cross Luxor, Edfu and Kom Ombo, three of the cities where the motorboats and dahabiyas of the cruise dock.

In addition, our agency can organize a personalized experience for you to enjoy not only the eclipse, but also the days before and after this unique moment, with tours that can take you to discover other cities in the country.

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