Months ago we talked about 5 historical figures of EgyptRamses II, Nefertari, Amenophis IV, Nefertiti and Cleopatra. All of them are names that recurrently come up in any trip to this spectacular country. But, undoubtedly, they were not all, since there are other great figures who also have a place in the history of Egypt and, therefore, are usually named by guides and local citizens. Here is another batch of 5 characters.

Zoser, Dynasty III
Its name is eternally linked to the step pyramid of Saqqara, circa 2650 BC, considered the first monumental pyramid. And not by chance, but because he was one of the great pharaohs of the Ancient Empire, with victorious military expeditions in places like the Sinai Peninsula.
Cheops, Dynasty IV
At his death, the pharaoh Cheops, of the 4th Dynasty (around 2580 BC) wished to ensure a full life in the afterlife. Before that, it had already become one of the most important historical figures of Ancient Egypt. And after that, he managed to be eternally remembered by later generations thanks to the Great Pyramid of Giza, where he was buried. Even today it is the largest and most spectacular in the country, at 146 meters high. And for some reason, his successors did not want to surpass it with theirs, which for many is the most famous in the whole world.
Tutankhamun, Dynasty XVIII
He was not the longest-lived pharaoh, as in fact he died very young, at the age of 18 or 19, around 1325 BC. Despite this, he undertook important projects, especially the restitution of religious normality, turned upside down by his father Amenophis IV or Akhenaten. But undoubtedly, his fame is due to the discovery in 1922 of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings. His very rich grave goods are now in the Great Egyptian Museum of Giza and continue to fascinate locals and strangers, for example with the dagger to which we dedicate this post.
Mehmet Ali, Egyptian wali
Already in more recent times, in the first half of the 19th century, one of the great historical figures of Egypt, the historical figures of EgyptMehmet Ali, the country’s wali who, with his open-minded policy towards foreign powers, helped to promote Egyptology throughout the world. In addition, his tomb is in another of the country’s great monuments: the Alabaster Mosque in Cairo.
Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt
In the middle of the 20th century, another name resounds loudly: Gamal Abdel Nasser, president of the United Arab Republic. And it does so because it is linked to what can be considered the largest civil infrastructure in Egyptian history: the Aswan Dam which resulted in the emergence of the Lake Nasser on the Nile River, an immense artificial reservoir 550 km long that guarantees the water supply of the entire country.
If you want to know more details about these historical figures of EgyptYou can join our tours with guided visits to museums and monuments. His legacy and works of art are still very much alive today.