Alignment of the Egyptian Pyramids: what it looks like and what it might represent

As you know, there are many theories about the construction and meaning of the Pyramids of Giza, which were built as the burial place of three great pharaohs of the IV Dynasty: Cheops, Kephren and Mycerinus. In this post, we will focus on one of them, which has given rise to numerous researches and hypotheses: the alignment of the Egyptian Pyramids and their relationship to the sky.

How is the alignment of the Egyptian Pyramids

It is enough to look at a photograph of the Pyramids of Giza to see that the three constructions maintain a certain alignment: they do not form a straight line nor are they symmetrically separated from each other. However, when viewed from different points of view, a totally harmonious arrangement can be appreciated. This arrangement, in fact, causes an optical effect: the central pyramid, that of Chephren, seems the highest and the largest, but that is wrong because the largest is the one located further north, that is, that of Cheops.

On the other hand, the point of view that we must adopt to understand this theory of the alignment of the alignment of the Egyptian Pyramids is another: we must look at them from a zenithal point of view, that is, from above. 

Thus, some researchers have observed an almost perfect correlation with the alignment of Orion’s Belt, which is formed by the three central stars of the constellation Orion, shaped like a hunter. In fact, it is suggested that the cusps of the Pyramids of Giza point towards these three stars, as if they wanted to be associated with them for some reason.

Orion belt and pyramids of Egypt
Orion’s belt and pyramids of Egypt

Significance of this supposed alignment with Orion’s Belt

In the case of accepting this theory of the alignment of the Egyptian Pyramids with Orion’s Belt, the question remains: why does this correlation occur? Some researchers stress that Orion (giant of Greek mythology) could also be an assimilation of Osiris, specifically through Sah, who was the soul-Ba of Osiris. This is reflected, for example, in passages of the Sarcophagus Texts, according to some sources. 

Let us remember that Osiris was one of the main gods of the Ancient Egyptian religion, as he was the supreme judge of the Afterlife. Therefore, if we accept this theory, it could be interpreted as an intention to relate the Pyramids of Giza and the pharaohs buried in them with Osiris, with the intention of securing the favor of this god in the afterlife. 

In any case, the theory of the alignment of the Egyptian Pyramids with Orion’s Belt is controversial and, by no means, accepted by all. Other theories suggest that this alignment was drawn according to the shadow cast by the sun during the autumnal equinox. It is even speculated that these constructions are oriented towards the constellations Ursa Minor and Alpha Draconis.

What is certain is that the construction of these great funerary structures was not done at random and that it responded to a series of premises, probably related to heaven and the Beyond.

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